What do You Practice?
Pastel on Paper: Sherrin Bernstein
Succeeding in life is a little about practice. Practice makes perfect, right? Well, it turns out that the tipping point of 10,000 hours of practice to becoming an expert at something that was touted in Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell, has been discredited. Well, that’s a relief! That’s a lot of hours. But even so, you don’t get better at something without doing it at all. Well, we can look to athletes for a bit of an idea about what’s behind Ritual 1, “Intention-Based Aromatherapy”. The use of visualization and imagery by elite athletes to mentally simulate events actually assists their performance and the practice has expanded to include imagery which encompasses the entirety of the Olympian experience. Nicole Detling, a sports psychologist with the United States Olympic team, was quoted in the February 22, 2014 New York Times article Olympians Use Imagery as Mental Training, by Christopher Clarey as saying: “The more an athlete can image the entire package, the better it’s going to be”. She is referring in fact to everything that comes with being a successful elite athlete besides winning the competition. She is referring to the day to day details of the high profile elite athlete’s lifestyle with all the “spilling over into realms like… news conferences or the view from the bus window on the way to the downhill.”
Of course you must actually truly want to succeed, have some innate talent and a love for the sport, but in this blog post I am covering the two related parts to success at achieving your goals that Ritual 1 was designed to be of service for; practice and the use of imagery and visualization to recruit the brain to do your bidding. That could still daunting. What does that even mean? What if it could be easier?
Well, what if you would practice whatever it is you wanted to get better at more if you liked doing whatever it was you wanted to practice and you felt good while you did it? Wow, wouldn’t that be great?! The Ritual 1 fragrance assists you in this. After doing the Mind, Mist, Manifest steps and the brain has linked your future memories to the fragrance, you inhale it again later before undertaking whatever task is on your to do list. The unique blend instantly shifts you to that feel good place because the Limbic System has been recruited to associate your future with the pleasant fragrance. This is the concept behind “Intention-Based Aromatherapy” and anyone can do it.
When I use it I am automatically practicing feeling good and achieving the steps to my future pleasantly every time I use it because I’ve already done the work linking my visualization of feeling good and having a positive future with everything I want in it to the fragrance, and Ritual 1 smells so scrumptious, that it makes it easy to practice using. Every time you inhale it you’re practicing getting closer to what you want more easily, pleasantly and naturally, since your visualization is all about what you want. What happens when you practice something? You get better at it. What does the brain do? It fills in all the details and the steps on how to get you there (to your visualization), because that’s what it’s good at, doing things autonomically (automatically) for us. So doing the Ritual 1 Mind, Mist, Manifest ritual and smelling the fragrance as needed later, brings what you want that much closer, that much more easily, pleasantly and naturally, because you are enjoying the practice! That’s why Ritual 1 is my first ritual of the day. I use it before I start my day so that it shifts me into a better place, especially if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed! I use it before meetings so that I can approach the meeting with a positive, attractive and clear mindset so I can get more out of my meetings. You can use it before job interviews, dates, the holidays or stressful events. Read more about the process of using Ritual 1 here. Thanks for reading and have an Intention-Based day!