What is Intention-Based Aromatherapy?
What is Ritual 1?
Ritual 1, is “Intention-Based Aromatherapy”. We believe a fragrance can assist you in bringing into being your vision of your future self. Ritual 1 is that therapeutic all natural refreshing fragrance. Ritual 1 is a powerful manifestation tool, which harnesses the powers of your mind (visualization) and senses (smell through the Limbic System of the brain) to assist you in easily and pleasantly achieving your highest vision for your life. Ritual 1 is a water-based mist made with the therapeutic grade essential oils of Jasmine, Lavender, Lime Peel and Ylang Ylang. We use pure distilled water, which allows you to enjoy it as many times a day as you wish. Ritual 1 can create the desired effect and then evaporate away leaving only a subtle scent.
What is Aromatherapy?
Award Winning Aromatherapist Expert Robert Tisserand, Educator, Author and Consultant states on his website (http://roberttisserand.com/aromatherapy/) that: “Aromatherapy can be defined as the diligent use of essential oils to promote or improve human health, hygiene and wellbeing. (It) is an all-inclusive term, covering cosmetic and psychological effects, as well as medicinal ones. In order to make a distinction between the more commercial aspects and the medicinal use of essential oils, terms such as clinical aromatherapy, aromatic medicine, and essential oil therapy have been used. Some practitioners regard essential oils as an integral part of the materia medica of herbal medicine, others as therapeutic additions to a massage oil.”
What is Intention-Based Aromatherapy?
The Attract Essentials Ritual 1 process integrates visualization to enable you to clarify your Intentions in a fun, creative and effective way by linking them to this refreshing therapeutic fragrance. Intention-Based Aromatherapy couples the effects of visualization and aromatherapy to provide you with a powerful, pleasant and portable experience that sparks and guides your unconscious brain to fill in the details of how to accomplish your future vision of your self, your life and your way of being through your life. It’s a bit like time travel, bringing the future to the present. Traditionally aroma reminds us of the past. With our ritual, your brain links and anchors it to your future memory (your visualization) via the Limbic System of the brain. It’s literally the power of you, in a bottle.
How Does Ritual 1 Work?
The simplest way I can explain this is that if you expect something, you usually get it. If I expect something is going to be difficult, it usually is. If I say to myself “easy as pie”, all of sudden it is! If I think about someone, they invariably show up in my life. The only shift was in my mind, but it affected my reality. Ritual 1 helps make shifting the mind to “easy as pie” thinking, easier, faster and more pleasurably.
How do I use Ritual 1?
First, use your Mind. Put a powerful picture in your mind. Close your eyes and think of the people and things you want to attract. Make a complete image in your mind’s eye and study every aspect of it. Now put yourself in that picture. Experience it fully and pay attention to detail (i.e. The sounds, colors, textures). Now smile. This naturally prompts good feelings and opens your nose wider to aromas.
Next, Mist. Hold your bottle of Ritual 1 about a foot away with the nozzle pointed at your face at a 45° angle. Press the sprayer once or twice. The idea is to have the spray come out and ‘settle’ onto your face. As you feel the light mist make contact, inhale the transporting fragrance of Ritual 1.
Then, Manifest. With these pictures in your mind, the smile on your face and the gentle fragrances unfolding, your brain will integrate all of your sensations with the pleasant experiences of the things you visualize. Your good feelings will become automatically enmeshed with the unique scent of Ritual 1. Psychologists call this ‘anchoring’. It acts much in the same way the smell of home baked cookies reminds you of home, but in a more profound and repeatable way. Your brain will link the fragrance to your future memory. After a while, you will no longer need to do the visualization, it will be anchored in the fragrance and all you have to do to recall those sensations, that vision, is to inhale the fragrant mist again. Head into your next activities with renewed purpose and greater vision. Know that you have moved what you want from where it was to a much closer place. You will find that with Ritual 1, you will attract these things ever more powerfully each time you use it.
When can I use Ritual 1?
You can use Ritual 1 at any time. You can make it a part of your morning routine to create personal space for yourself and to set your way of being throughout the day. You can use it in the morning when you are closest to yourself and your inner thoughts. You can use it at night to help you sleep better. You can use it during the day to set the tone for a meeting, an interview, a lunch appointment, a workout or even a date.
Where can I store Ritual 1?
You can keep Ritual 1 anywhere you like, in the bathroom, bedroom, desk draw, purse or briefcase. Anywhere that lends you easy access to experience the Ritual. You can even keep it in the fridge to cool you on a hot day.
Why might I use Ritual 1?
Every human being has personal obstacles just waiting for an inspirational catalyst. Use Ritual 1 as that catalyst, a springboard to achieving your greatest aspirations and dreams, quicker, easier and more pleasantly. The Ritual brings us repeatedly closer to ourselves, to what’s in our hearts. When we are closest to our hearts, we are in the best position to make decisions and changes that affect our personal world, which in turn gives us the platform to effect positive changes in the outside world.
1. No Pain, No Gain
In other words, an experience has to hurt to help. This is a common assumption, rooted in the functioning of our Fight/Flight (Sympathetic Nervous) System. Pain is the label the brain puts on a sensation to protect us from harm and so it has its place. We need it to pull our finger back from a hot stove. However, when it comes to learning new physical and emotional patterns and ways of being, this is no longer as useful and learning by rote can be expressly unpleasant as well. A positive experience can be linked to Ritual 1’s refreshing fragrance for easy recall to assist us in learning and practicing new ways of being and feeling.
2. Life is Hard
In other words, living must be full of hardship. This is a common assumption socialized into us by our elders and authority figures, often in response to their personal life experiences. However, your life is your own and it’s your choice what influences you live by. Effecting changes in the body and new or better ways of being and existing in this life-time is your choice. A positive approach to life and living in your body can be linked to the Ritual 1 fragrance for easy recall.
3. I have Allergies, I can’t use Aromatherapy
Most people with allergies can relax around the use of products made with high quality essential oils. Essential oils are distillations of flowers and other parts of plants, so you will never get exposure to pollens and particulate matter that might be irritating. Regarding absorption into the body, only a maximum of 2 drops of essential oils are absorbed into the body in a one hour massage and are processed out by the cleansing systems of the body. That being said, the brain is very powerful and can carry out responses in the body, which not all people know how to control. So if someone is convinced that a product will cause an allergic response, it could. With a fragrance, you can test it by first smelling a water-based mist sprayed on an index card.
4. Aromatherapy smells nice but it doesn’t really do anything.
High quality, fresh and properly distilled essential oils are actually therapeutically effective and have been used for hundreds of years to help with a variety of ailments. Our modern medicine is often based on synthetic reproductions of the natural chemical constituents of essential oils, which are distillations of parts of flowers, plants and trees. One way an essential oil works is its fragrant influence- how the fragrance affects you and/or what it brings you back to (ie. oatmeal cookies may remind you of your grandmother). Another way in which essential oils work are the physiological effects from the natural chemical constituents in the oils, which enter through the nose and/or skin and are carried to the cells of the body. An example of this is how Pfizer (later acquired by Johnson & Johnson) makes use of menthol, camphor and Wintergreen in Bengay to effect a cooling sensation to the skin. Tiger Balm has a topical analgesic effect too because of the active ingredients of camphor and menthol found in many essential oils. Proctor & Gamble makes use of levomenthol, eucalyptus oil, turpentine oil and camphor in Vicks vaporub.
Benefits of Ritual 1:
Aromatherapy Alone Can:
• Increase awareness of the mind-body connection?
• Enhance calm thinking, creativity and cognitive performance
• Relieve stress, tension, agitation & anxiety, thus supporting the Immune System and shifting us from the Flight/Fight (Sympathetic Nervous) System into to the Rest/Digest (Parasympathetic Nervous) System
• Improve mood,
• Deepen breathing
• Encourage sleep and promote a sense of relaxation and well being. *
* http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/aromatherapy-000347.htm
• Reduce the amount of pain medications needed to treat certain conditions. “Pain: Studies have found that people with rheumatoid arthritis, cancer (using topical chamomile), and headaches (using topical peppermint) require fewer pain medications when they use aromatherapy. See: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/aromatherapy-000347.htm
• Treat symptoms of a wide variety of conditions such as insomnia, low blood pressure, nausea, rashes etc. See: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/50591.php
• “…have dramatic effects on perceptions of mood, workload, effort, frustration, and performance”
• “have both positive and negative effects on the performance of cognitively based tasks.”
• Affect interest and motivation levels: “The presence of jasmine led to their participants indicating greater interest and motivation in a task.” See: http://sports-boost.net/research-pain.html
• “…complement cancer treatment by boosting the system’s ability to fight off infections.” See: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/50591.php
Visualization Alone Can:
• Enhance athletic performance
• “… draw upon deep human habits on how to visualize information to make sense of a dynamic reality.”*
• “Let people look at vast quantities of data quickly.”*
• “… help an analyst or a group achieve more insight.”*
• “… help create a shared view of a situation and align folks on needed actions.”*
• “…increase the understanding of complex data.”
**The Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. See: http://cs171.org/
• “…improves motor skills… enhance motivation, mental toughness and confidence, all which will help elevate your level of play..”***
*** The Effects of Mental Imagery on Athletic Performance, by Annie Plessinger. See: http://www.vanderbilt.edu/ans/psychology/health_psychology/mentalimagery.html
• “The mind has the power to heal… Hope is actually a biochemical reaction in the body”****
*** Can you imagine cancer away? By Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent
March 3, 2011 8:09 a.m. See: http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/03/03/ep.seidler.cancer.mind.body/index.html
Together, Intention-Based Aromatherapy Can Be:
Everything You Need to Attract Everything You Want. We at Attract Essentials know that the ritual of visualization coupled with inhaling the therapeutic signature fragrance of Ritual 1, will assist you in capitalizing on the natural talent of your unconscious brain to easily and pleasantly fill in the details of how your vision gets accomplished by focusing the intentions of your brain on your highest vision and feeling great.