Body, Beauty, Bakin’ & Shakin’
These days, I’m finding myself benefitting even more from using my daily morning mantra “Body, Beauty, Bakin’ and Shakin'”. For me, this simple, easy to remember phrase has a playfulness to it that allows life to be enjoyable, while gently reminding me of all the activities that I planned (or didn’t yet plan) for the day. That’s because the phrase allows flexibility of meaning in each of the four words. The phrase has enough structure to organize me into taking care of a wide range of daily tasks, while freeing me from the concept of tasks being tedious, because “I have to do them”. I believe that everything I do daily is included in this phrase and is enjoyable because I “want” to do them. I’ll explain a little further.
Body refers to anything related to taking care of the body from exercising, to napping if I need to, to eating well, keeping a clean home, changing the air conditioner filter, to massaging my feet. It’s not specific, but that’s the point. The word evokes so many things I could be doing around the concept of “body”.
Beauty is similar. It could mean anything from reminding myself that I am already beautiful, just because I was born, to taking actions that enhance the beauty I was born with. That could mean grooming, dressing for success, giving myself a facial, washing my hair, choosing between earrings or buying something that makes me feel happy. Interpretations are endless.
Bakin’ refers to “bringing home the bacon” (an idiom meaning making money – working, in other words), but, by extension, taking care of myself, doing what I do to the best of my ability and acknowledging myself for it. It can also refer to baking (since I spell it with a “k”) and so, by extension, planning meals, grocery shopping, cooking, eating and nourishing myself (and Dave), with food our other “nourishing’ activities, such as going to a botanical garden, art exhibit or museum. It can mean doing anything that feeds my soul, from growing herbs and vegetables, to setting my intention for the day with my product Ritual 1, to feeding my creativity by listening to music. It refers to the incubation of ideas and the laying down of the foundation for my future self, posting online for business or listening to a TED Talk or taking a class toward those ends. Bakin’ is flexible.
Shakin’ can likewise be about many things. Enjoying yourself, your life and the people and things around you, shaking things up and stepping out of your comfort zone or shaking off emotions that don’t serve you more literally, dancing. We are community based animals and we need each other to stay happy and healthy minded, so Shakin’ can also refer to sharing a burden with a friend or life partner or reaching out to an elderly neighbor. Shakin’ is very encompassing.
So, the four words can be used creatively in any way you see appropriate. Please feel free to borrow my list shown below, and share it with anyone you think might enjoy it.
On the “Body” part of my list:
Acupuncture to boost my immune system
Eat nutrient dense foods
Drink 1 liter of water per day
Take walks, Tai Chi, Inline Skating, or Yoga daily
Clean the air filters monthly
On the “Beauty” part of my list:
So something, anything, with my hair
Always earrings
Choose a “uniform” for making music
Monthly facials, massage, chiropractic visits etc
On the “Bakin” part of my list:
Post my new Self Massage Videos
Write blog posts, social media posts, newsletters
Create new products
Journal/Write new songs
File a pile
“Shakin” part of my list:
Morning coffee on the porch with Dave
Music practice sessions with Dave
Weekly Artists Dates
Swim, bicycle, skate, jog, dance, stretch, move my body
As you can see the list can be fun and drilled down as much as you want, but, I find if I keep it light with my “Body, Beauty, Bakin’ and Shakin'” umbrella saying, my subconscious fills in the details. The challenge, once you start, is to put them into effect. Here’s where making appointments comes in.
I find that making appointments with people is one of the most effective ways of getting things done that I don’t do naturally. So, if I want to declutter, I schedule a Skype session with a professional organizer. I want more art in my life, so I started attending Art Talks with Professor Val Franco (https://profvalfranco.wordpress.com) as a way of keeping my weekly Artist Dates with myself. I want to become a better singer, so scheduled monthly vocal classes with a professional. I think on what’s important to me, what’s energizing for me and make a list of people who can assist and I start calling them to set up “get things done” dates. I pace myself, prioritize naps and getting enough sleep at night and I don’t beat myself up if I don’t always get done what I had wanted to in the time frame I had wanted. I do stay in integrity by acknowledging whatever I didn’t do and by keeping an ongoing list (actually I have quite a few lists) I can schedule whatever it is in to my calendar to address it again at a later date. After all, the sun rises again each morning and tomorrow’s another day.
In support of your highest, healthiest, happiest self,